
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Short Term IT Specialist


The Indonesia Trade Assistance Project (ITAP) is a USAID funded
project to the Ministry of Trade (MOT) and is managed by
Chemonics International, Inc. The project’s aim is to support
the Government of Indonesia to build and strengthen capacity
related to the analysis, negotiation, and implementation of
bilateral and multilateral agreements. A major component of the
project is to improve the MOT’s current information technology
and data processing systems. This includes implementation of
the IT component, strengthening of staff capacity in
information technology (IT) operations, and provision of
information technology (IT) equipment, software and services.
The purpose of this activity is to provide hands-on and
guidance for the procurement and implementation of the IT
Component, to strengthen MOT staff’s capacity in data center
operations, and to verse the implementation of IT training
activities. The consultant will be expected to liaise closely
with relevant MOT personnel to ensure that ITAP’s activities
are well coordinated with the MOT, and supportive of related
activities that are ongoing.
Specific Tasks:

1. Manage the inspection and auditing process of the IT
equipment upon arrival. Oversee the completion of branding all
IT equipment and materials.2. Perform necessary tests and commissioning procedures for the
IP Telephony network to ensure a fully functioning telephone
work.3. Work with the MOT to finalize the verification of the data
Roles and Qualification of Technical Specialist:

The following technical expertise is required to fulfill the
expectation for this activity:
1. High level of expertise in the technical capabilities,
functionality, reliability and service/support requirements for
common office IT hardware, networks and software with
sensitivity to the issues involved in developing countries.2. Extensive work in developing system specifications,
developing IT deployment plans; network typography; large scale
wired and wireless networks; and maintaining such systems in
developing countries.3. Experience identifying IT solutions and developing IT
procurement specifications; familiarity with the specific
policies and procedures involved in procuring IT equipment
under the ITAP project.4. Ability to work effectively with the MOT IT staff to achieve
tangible result.
Please send urgently your Curriculum Vitae by email to:

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