
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

AIBEP : Web Designer - short term 3 bulan

Australia - Indonesia Basic Education Program managed by Cardno Acil is
seeking for expression of interest for the position of :

National BSNP Web Design Adviser.
Duration of inputs : 3 months, from April - July 2008.
Location : BSNP, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Qualifications/ Experience:

* Experience and specific expertise in designing webs to support
communications and public relations systems is essential.

* Knowledge of web design application such as photoshop,
illustrator/ corel draw, indesign, and flash

* Proven skills in HTML, CSS, creating templates and mockup and
capable in designing complete website in CSS positioning for layout via

* Knowledge of JavaScript, AJA and Action Script

* Understand W3C standard and recent website technology & design

* Knowledge of web programming such as PHP and MySQL is desirable

* Broad experience and knowledge of Indonesian education systems is

Responsibilities, including expected outputs from the assignment :

* Evaluate the current BSNP website design,

* Design a BSNP website to ensure access to BSNP reports,
publications and other sources of information concerning BSNP activities
to support the BSNP communications and public relations system.

* Recommend an implementation and management system for the
continuing maintenance and updating of the BSNP website.

* Provide capacity building and training for BSNP personnel on
the updating and use of the website.

* Prepare a report and recommendations for future BEP support for
the BSNP communications and public relations system website.

* Undertake and complete such other tasks and reports that may
be required by the Chair of the BSNP and the BEP Team Leader.

For detailed Detail Terms of Reference (ToR) got to :
http://www.mcpm- aibep.or. id
To apply applicants should email a current CV to
hr.dept@mcpm- aibep.or. id
specifically note which area(s) of expertise they are interested in on
email subject.

Deadline of application in 25 March 2008

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